Wednesday, February 17, 2016

If I'm forced to migrate, it'll be to Swiss.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

To Travel

Looking forward to more headaches on maps out there :)

Credits to Cindy.

That bald spot D:

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Learn A Little

Going through old blog posts and currently staring into the screen of my company's laptop, thinking how it's always so sentimental when words try to pour itself out; treating this as some diary as it is.

I've been so caught up with work that time management is a huge struggle. As they put it, everything has its pros and cons. So let's try to focus on all the pros where I've found love in travelling around. And being in the travel line, it doesn't get any better than the places I've been to in the past year.

Pros: Travelling
2015 January - Taipei, Taiwan
2015 April - Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
2015 May - Switzerland
2015 June - Krabi, Thailand
2015 August - England
2015 November - Dubai, UAE
2016 January - Singapore
2016 March - Taipei, Taiwan ( upcoming! )
2016 April - Bangkok, Thailand ( upcoming! )
2016 Some time along the road - Thinking of Boracay for personal trip. :3

Cons: Personal Life vs Work Life
Then again, when you've gotten promoted just because 3 seniors have left, you're forced to fly right before you learn how to crawl. And after a hectic few months, you finally have some time for yourself and you start to wonder what's all that about?

It strikes right to the heart when you know which are the priorities, but you choose to look over quotes and advises from Google, not do anything about it and just feel bad about it.

Career success at what cost?
"Some of us work jobs that allow us to clock out at 5 and have the rest of the day to ourselves. But when you work in a demanding area, you don’t always get that luxury. You’re sort of always working, and sometimes that can get in the way of your personal life and the relationships that matter most to you. Either you have to draw a line between your life and your work, or eventually you’re going to have to chose between one or the other." - as quoted by Thought Catalog

Results : Don't Get Me Wrong
Don't get me wrong. I love my job, though it can be exhausting at times, but to hell with it. I love my job and the opportunities the company has been offering.

As for personal life, media's done its way though The Devil Wears Prada and got me looking at what's been wrong. ( I had brought work home, together with the stress, mindset and frustrations, if there were any ).

Slowly but surely ( with a lot of encouragement given from my mom, bf and HOD ), things are starting to be under control. Of course, there's always a lot of room for improvement. You learn everyday. What is there not to learn?

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I Miss Writing Here

Look at the subject line. That says it all.
So much has happened. Some good; some bad.
Life's about work, work and work now, and this mind here can't stop thinking about it (work)!
Not that it's a bad thing.
I just miss writing here.
Look at the subject line. I'll be back.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Take this letter

Dear Mr Right who came at the wrong time,

It's been 3 years.

I never know that a person can actually love someone for such a long time, especially when both have not been communicating at all for so long. Haven't been seeing you in a while, neither have I any news about you. How are you? Last saw you at convocation's briefing day and convocation day itself. With that small acknowledgement from you 12 weeks ago, it's good to know you've been great and planning on getting a Master's Degree. How I wish we could do more than just nod the other day.

Take me back to the past as I listen to "All Too Well"; the main reason why I don't want to suffer from amnesia. I wish I have a tangible something that reminds me of you. Left all movie tickets, gifts, photos and books on your shelf two Valentines ago, and it was nice knowing they were still there mid last year. It was nice. Though, sometimes I do wish I have more than just memories.

I'm more than happy (honestly, surprisingly) knowing you found a better half. She must be the luckiest girl around with you by her side during the best and worst. They all say I'm crazy, but someone once put some sense into this crazy mind that once went on full psycho ex-girlfriend mode, telling me "if you love me, you would let me go." Cliche, I know. But not unless you look at it differently.

Too many times I wanted to message you and ask you out, just to catch up on what's been new. Somehow, I'm good where we are. Memories are good this way. Guess I was never a good risk-taker, because I don't want things to be worse than how they are now. I miss you, yes. But I don't want to know the real you. The person I know will always be that special person around.

Don't catch me, but also don't forget about me ;) Take care.

PS: Guess what? I'm out in the dating game again. :p

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bring me back to 2013

A reconciliation happened two years ago. More friendships bloomed from there. Met them crazy bunch. It became a weekly thing. In the events of events, it was a daily thing.

The last two years had been the best.

If I thought a failed uni relationship was life's worst loss, I was wrong.
I miss them so, so much. All of them.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Plot Twist

What was supposed to be a short bike ride,
Ended up with the tire puncturing in the middle of nowhere at 11.45pm,
With work the next day.

What was supposed to be simple ride home,
Ended up witnessing an accident right before my eyes,
When the car sped right into another just a lane away.

What was supposed to be a healthy badminton session,
Ended up limping for the next few weeks,
When I twisted my ankle for the very first time.

What was supposed to work out in the name of boy-girl relationship,
Ended before anything started,
Which turned out to be a very fortunate ending.

What was supposed to be like any other lazy weekend,
Ended up having us working 12 hours a day at PWTC,
When MATTA Fair intruded for the very first time after working 3 months.

What was supposed to be just all innocent and happy-go-lucky thinking,
Ended being cautious and alert and street smart,
When circumstances pushed a little too far for comfort.

What was supposed to be one Bravissimo and no more,
Ended up sparkling up a really special friendship,
With board games and new people and a reconciliation.

What was supposed to be just work 9am-6pm,
Ended up looking forward to lunch every weekday,
When colleagues became friends,
And when colleagues became companions :)