Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yay, Christmas


If only it was snowing,
but this is Malaysia we're living in,

If only I could go out these 2 days,
but Mum is feeling weaker than weakest,

If only I went Bukit Gambang with friends and cousins,
but there aren't any more spaces in the cars,

If only we kept with our yearly Christmas Eve party last night,
but everyone had their own programs this year, PAKAT!!

If only all those happened, wouldn't it just be a nicer, better Christmas?


Oh yeah.
Momo and Chocolate went back to their owner yesterday morning.
Did I mention that Momo changed target and is always trying to mate small little Leng Leng a few days back?

After 12 hours of silence between the Yuki and Leng Leng, super-duper hyperactive, one-year-old Daisy appeared and seems to be staying for a couple of nights.
Her first night around and it became her mess-up-new-house day.

Daisy is cute, but note the 'hyperactive'. Can't get a picture of her langsung.
She jumps on people and sofas 23 hours 55 minutes a day.
She barks and whines 23 hours 59 minutes a day.
She spills water everywhere.
She messes anything that is in her way.
I had 3 scratches already from her. Ouch.

And after being shaved the third time,Yuki still hates getting hair-cuts,
even when its from me.
Felt rejected!!!
And now she is a dog with a small head and tail, with a big furry body. ^^

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


On 21st December,
the Lee Pei Ling turned absolutely gorgeous..
I danced for the very first time of my life, bare feet for 2 hours+..
the girls at table 10 were all wearing black, coincidentally..

All the couples were the first on the dance floor for the first slow song played.
After a whole lot of dancing, jumping, shaking, spinning, sweating, shouting, singing, craziness, madness, tiredness for 150 minutes, it ended with another slow song with everyone hugging each other instead.

I'll be missing everyone, especially the Form 5's of Saujana of 2009.

Let's have another night of Waltz Under The Blue Moon, Class of 2009...

Now to continue my rest.
Legs are cramming badly here

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


今天考华语忘了怎样写 ''。。
So 只好写个 '不硬' 去代替。。
结果句子变成 -- 口硬心不硬。。



I'm going crazy after Chinese now.
Too happy?

High school life is finally over!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

In the future..

I wanna colour poodles PINK !!

They're waiting.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Screw Chinese

Never said having four super active grown up dogs was easy.
You get attacked by the puppy-like dogs when you step out of the door right away, literally.
Image them jumping around, licking around. Four of them all together.

Now this is what I call puppy love.

And kacao part 1..

..with kacao part 2.

SPM is so almost over.
I think I'm gonna miss Saujana.


Before Chem

We were suppose to be studying at Wei Ming's a day before Chemistry.
Ended up we flipped through the books and started going Mahjong the whole day (with a 90 minutes pause for some pizza) lar.

A great way to screw up Chemistry.
Thanks a lot, Wei Ming.

Mum will kill me if she knew.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Their loved story

A little background talk :
Cousin sis is a dog lover, and I think she has more than 10 dogs barking in/around her house.
And she's going back to Ipoh for *don't know what reason*, and has left the dogs around KL to be taken care of.

Two's at our place right now at this time, for two weeks.

Momo, (Yuki's ex-husband) *Thunder strikes*

Chocolate, (Momo's girlfriend?)

*Thunder strikes again, and hits Yuki*

Yuki's dying of jealousy...

No wonder they broke up.