Thursday, March 31, 2011


What better way to have a great adjective used to end the month.

Friday, March 25, 2011

It's the end of the month! And April Fool's is in a week!
And she is the weird one who does not fancy April Fool's day one bit.

Last minutes. Due dates. And more last minutes.
Welcome to Malaysia, people. Because this is how things work around us when it comes to assignments, individual assignments, group assignments, big assignments, and more assignments.
And wait for it, finals are up next in 3 weeks time. And Algebra is a killer. Grinning at me with that wicked Trigonometry evil smile.
Which lovely Human Communication, too, had to be placed on the last day of Exams.
It means one week sem break and back to studying time, with MORE assignments in Degree.

Picture for self, and whoever that cares to read this crab (^^v) I'm typing. =x

Going for KFC during pasar malam time twice was incredibly awesome and genius of us.
The small, little, silly acts that smart people (us) do. =]

PS: Smelly toufu does not smell nice. It smells, uhm, the adjective describes it already. xD

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Simba: I know what I have to do. But going back will mean facing my past. I've been running from it for so long.
[Rafiki hits Simba on the head with his stick]

[Swings his stick at Simba again who ducks out of the way]
Rafiki: Ha. You see? So what are you going to do?
Simba: First, I'm gonna take your stick.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Come What May

Christian, a young wannabe Bohemian poet living in 1899 Paris, defies his father by joining the colorfully diverse clique inhabiting the dark, fantastical underworld of Paris' now legendary Moulin Rouge. In this seedy but glamorous haven of sex, drugs and newly-discovered electricity, the poet-innocent finds himself plunged into a passionate but ultimately tragic love affair with Satine, the club's highest paid star and the city's most famous courtesan. Their romance is played out against the infamous club - a meeting place of high life and low, where slumming aristocrats and the fashionably rich mingled with workers, artists, Bohemians, actresses and courtesans.

After watching Moulin Rouge in Films and Arts Appreciation class the other day, I still think the movie is fantastic (even if there were a few pervert scenes that makes you go =.="). YOUR SONG, for me, is especially special. It's on my most played play-list on my phone now.

Another Romeo and Juliet play. Another Jack Dawson and Rose story.
So the plot and storyline might be common; The synopsis and trailer may not be as convincing as it seems; However, the movie is simply beautiful as the story goes into a more understanding part of view. Advisable to be watched, for those who doesn't mind the whole movie being explained in singing, dancing, more singing and a perfect love story.
I don't care how old the movie is. I love it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tadpole notes

She went jump, jump, jump over 3 grades;

And somehow prepared to land on the moon taking this string thingy exam somewhere around June/July/August/September;

*fingers crossed*
Please be kind and don't clash with finals/midterm/tests/presentation days. =x

Ever had the feeling that you couldn't make up your mind and had to do both? xD