Saturday, September 20, 2014

Plot Twist

What was supposed to be a short bike ride,
Ended up with the tire puncturing in the middle of nowhere at 11.45pm,
With work the next day.

What was supposed to be simple ride home,
Ended up witnessing an accident right before my eyes,
When the car sped right into another just a lane away.

What was supposed to be a healthy badminton session,
Ended up limping for the next few weeks,
When I twisted my ankle for the very first time.

What was supposed to work out in the name of boy-girl relationship,
Ended before anything started,
Which turned out to be a very fortunate ending.

What was supposed to be like any other lazy weekend,
Ended up having us working 12 hours a day at PWTC,
When MATTA Fair intruded for the very first time after working 3 months.

What was supposed to be just all innocent and happy-go-lucky thinking,
Ended being cautious and alert and street smart,
When circumstances pushed a little too far for comfort.

What was supposed to be one Bravissimo and no more,
Ended up sparkling up a really special friendship,
With board games and new people and a reconciliation.

What was supposed to be just work 9am-6pm,
Ended up looking forward to lunch every weekday,
When colleagues became friends,
And when colleagues became companions :)