Tuesday, March 30, 2010


10 more weeks to go only!!
Ling, Karen and I will miss you lots!
Good luck and all the best.
Most importantly, have fun in NS!


** Form 3 pic **
We were really that young when we first met.

Well, of course good luck to others friends too.
Don't miss home too much. ^^

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Blocked an innocent blue Myvi.
Left his number in his car but never intended to pick up.

In front of Shabu Shabu!
Honing like mad!
Embarrassing myself!
Calling him thousands of times!
Wasting 40 precious long minutes!

People just tend to make history relive.
Shally went through that just hours before I did.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


On the very day I came home from Rawang,

Yuki looked like this.
Furry and messy and all.


A week later,

she now looks like this.
Bold, clean, smart, LAZIER.


But something tells me she doesn't like going for haircuts.

Just look at those puppy dog eyes!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saujana's Sports Day

Hmm..last year's was more interesting and entertaining..

No offence.

Thursday, March 11, 2010



So I was complaining about how I was one of the lucky ones to get chosen for NS last year in June.
About what? Insects and all.
Actually, everything turned out really okay and superb.

Insects weren't really a huge problem. With the mosquito nets around, friends illegally bringing in mosquito sprays, brave people using brooms to hit the other creepy insects. So yeah.

Cold showers were easy to get used to. Besides, cold water helps in blood circulation and smooth and better skin condition, hehe. It was just the "Siapa di luar?! Di dalam tak ada air!" that got really annoying.

Shared toilets were better than non-sharing. You see, it's scary when you go in alone, especially when you're alone, especially when it's at night, especially right after the malays all talked about ghosts and all.

The pillow and bed weren't even the least hard. Mattresses and blankets and bedsheets and pillow sheets were all still given, once in 2 weeks. ... My bad, hehe.

Air con. Well, living near the woods, cold wind automatically even without the help of air con. The morning is already enough cold, it's just the hot, hot afternoons and evenings that you need to tahan.

And to think I couldn't stand pepper last time, all the spicy food there helped a alot. What to do, all meals have at least a spicy dish. Thanks to that, I proudly announce that I can officially eat one of the best food in Malaysia -- curry.

Kawad. Yeah, that I'm complaining still. It's 2.30pm where the sun shines the brightest, where the temperature rises the higest of the day, and you need to march under the sun. Well, though it's just for less than 10 times, let's just say it's to train for stamina or something? xD

And sometimes, life with nature and without technology couldn't be all that bad. Remembered I couldn't live without my handphone, but now, sometimes being without it can't be all that bad. Repeat SOMETIMES! I still need my handphone by my side. =D

So, NS is pretty amazing.

Tali rendah, Tali tinggi, Kembara Halangan, Explorace, Wirajaya..
Kelas Kenegaraan, Kelas CB, Integrasi, PPSB, Khidmat Komuniti..

Yeah, PLKN is definitely amazing.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


It was 6th March 2010, 1.45am in the morning.

I stared into the dark woods, while it was pouring out there.
I looked around.
Trees, trees and more trees.
No stars, just clouds.

Ting and Fong were sleeping soundly.
Sing and Quin were sitting and staring at the opposite side of the tent.
Guess they couldn't sleep either.

The ground was hard.
Towels were our blankets.
Ting was bitten by a leech on the stomach.
We never had a chance to take off our wet boots, and now they're soaking in the rain.

Those described every 422 of us.
So this is what it's like being in the woods on a rainy day.

Hours ago, we had trouble putting up the tents.
Half of the team finding bamboo sticks, half buttoning the 'raincoats' together.
We had to double up all the work, fast, thanks to the rain, slippery mud and with the sun going down fast.

A few packs of maggie were being cooked in a real unique way.
The fire was going nowhere thanks to the down pour weather.
"Siapa ada torchlight?" was just heard often.

Overall, everything was quite okay.
At least better than expected.
There were toilets. ^^
And I could use 5 minutes to walk back to our dorm.
Well, I'd do that if it wasn't illegal that night. xD


I stared back into the dark woods.
2.00am, I watched my watch.
It's still raining cats and dogs out there, with my feet out out the tent accompanying the rain.
Well, I guess it's continue-to-sleep time.
Just another 10 hours before I'm done with Wirajaya. =)

For my first and only time out in the woods, it's not really ALL that bad.
Friends, experience.
Couldn't really ask for more.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rawang? Kuala Lumpur?
PLKN peeps? Ex-saujanians?

Yeah, ignore the randomness..

So, the last day till freedom was suppose to be on the 14th this month, but who would have ever guessed that SPM results would be out on the 11th?

So, the girl who went in Kem PLKN Temasya Rimba Templer 14 days later, and has came back to Kuala Lumpur 5 days earlier than the actual date -- ME !

So, I am back from NS once again, and this time it's for good.

PS: SPM results in less than 48 hours !! T.T