Sunday, February 14, 2010

In NS..

.. I cried..
.. I missed home..
.. I fell in a drain..
.. I had a blood test..
.. I looked at the
calender everyday..
.. I learnt to use a compass..
I learnt to juggle..
.. I went kayaking..
.. I shot 20 bullets with a M16..
.. I marched with 426 other people..
.. I was bored..
.. I was happy..
.. I was angry..
.. I was sad..
.. I was excited..
.. I ran in the rain..
.. I danced..
.. I sang..
.. I laughed..
.. I gossiped..
.. I met people..
.. I made friends..
.. and had some crazy times..

I had fun ..

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Here's five of the awesome people I met during my 4 weeks away from home.
And when I mean awesome, they're really awesome.

Being selected for NS isn't actually all that bad.
In fact, it isn't bad at all.

Kayaking, rakiting, M16 with 20 bullets, basic taekwando, having great friends you never expected..
(and that's just half of the fun)

Tho there still were..
Marching under the hot sun during noon time, singing Negaraku and 3 other songs for 30 minutes, meeting some people who are just 'something'..

Mosquitoes were rarely spotted in the dorm.. O.o
Instead, red ants and huge centipedes would come and visit..
Monkeys on the other hand come and steal food if the door were to be accidentally left opened..

There might be more to come in the following post.
Clothes and things are waiting to be unpacked since, like, an hour ago.

So many things to do and so little time.
Holidays for 4 days and I'm going back to Rawang on Tuesday evening.

Oh right,
I can eat curry already!! ^^

I feel sort of a little kinda outdated.. xD