Thursday, September 27, 2012

As easy as breathing

Salt flows in front of her.
Guilt rushes by. Didn't mean to.
She meant the best.
Slowly, carefully.
Everything seems so fragile, heave it.
Seems it matters not.
There’s bubble tea, forgotten not, there’s black and white.
Smile, that’s pretty.
Move on, that’s beautiful.
Sounds of laughter, sounds of howling.
Sound of music, sound of whining.
Bells are ringing. Sirens pass by.
You are living.

 Unrelated: (an hour later)
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, HIMYM never fails to make my day.

Friday, September 7, 2012




Her story line is all the same, but it's alright, still like them.
Shall find another author.
New York Times Bestselling Author #NicholasSpark perhaps?

Went MV the other day just for MPH.
Bought 4 more fictions and feeling oh-so-nerdy already.

Peace and quiet, and a break from the society.
That's all I need before starting internship in November.

♥ Then again, there's music ♥

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Easiest add/drop subject

You know that moment your heart stops beating and everything around you seemed so blur when that special someone passes by or when you're actually in the same room with that person? Yeah, if that's the case, my heart stopped functioning for 90 minutes on the first day of short sem, most of the time trying to decrease le heart rate.
I wasn't feeling comfortable already since the morning, and the electricity that paused for a moment in the previous class had, like, taken my oxygen tank away, having me gasp for air. Then, my tummy started to flip and turn in THAT class. Talk about dizziness, lack of concentration, nausea and shortness of breathe. When the lecturer said "See you tomorrow," man, did I take up sonic speed in my foot steps getting out of class.

I don't know. I would love to see him, everyday hoping to bump into him or something. Who am I kidding anyway. Go with the flow? But then my autonomic nervous system kicks in right away when he's in sight, making me literally hide behind a pole or squat down into the crowd or turn to find another way before realizing that was the only way out.
What the heck, brain?
Nah, I don't mind taking only one subject this semester. Would want to strengthen this friendship, as well as my CGPA.

Can't stop doing it
Weeeeeeeeeeee are never ever ever getting back together~ xDD

Ohmygosh, it's stuck in my head again!

I wonder how they made the music video.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ryan Higa is in KL !!! :DDD

Hmmm, no greeting him at the airport, no getting his tickets at RM75 to watch his performance later this evening, only watching his Youtube videos. Some fan I am. x)

First time being so excited that someone famous is in town. Nah, the thing about him is that he inspires me because he doest feel bad about him having ADHD. Instead, he turned it into sensational masterpieces. Talk about stalking? Oh, did I mention that he is super hilarious and talented at freestyle. Haha.
Ryan Higa, among the people I don't know, I look up to the most.

Update! 24 hours later ...
Learnt that Chris had free tickets to meet Ryan live!! He went to Damansara's Bentley Auditorium and was, WHAT, 30 minutes late!! JUST BECAUSE HE DIDN'T FEEL THE ENTHUSIASM!!

"I went." WHAT!
"It was so jammed that I was ONLY 30 minutes late." WHAT, WHAT, WHAAAAAAT!
Cheeky punya smiling over there.

Tak ajak nevermind, but for not telling he's going (past tense: he went)????
Not that interested then give me the tickets maaaahhh, bully x)