Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wrote these in under 10 minutes as a class exercise the other day.
I'd say I'm proud of what I came out with, but more improvements to go!
Talk about the lack of knowledge I have in my head, that's limiting me...

The lack of humanity in the 21st century is disturbing. We see scenes where the society would leave animals in floods because human beings are more precious, and that animals are just animals.

What about the time where high-class society thinks that not being able to buy the latest season’s clothes is depressing, and where the beggars on the road are alright the way they live?

Hence, when humanity is shown today, it is immediately highlighted and it is seen as something unique. One small deed can turn out to be a heroic act where people would be in awe.

Like in the image shown, a traffic police is seen helping drivers who had their vehicles stuck on a flooded road. It is a small action done, but his actions speak louder than words.

He did not need to do what he did; he could just walk away and let drivers deal with the problem of moving their vehicles on their own. But he stayed. He is seen as a hero. Or, well, is he?

Monday, March 11, 2013

I was lucky. But what if I wasn't?

Last Thursday would be the last time I'd ever park in an alley.

Sureeeee, it's easier to find parking at peak hours and sometimes it helps on saving money (because you don't wanna pay extra on parking money). It also hides your car away from traffic police who will give these kind of illegal parking parking summons.

Then again, it's dangerous. Especially when you're alone. No matter the gender, someone would still do stuff on you, may it be robbing, stealing, snatching your belongings, or worse, murder, rape and so forth.

You hear stories of all these ordeal happening to others, and yes you'd say I'll be careful and watch my back. Yet, the sad truth is, you don't really take precaution, until something happens to you, until you experienced it.

I learnt that the hard, shocking way.

I placed all my belongings in class, to realize I left my phone in the car (parked right outside of UCSI University south wing's back alley). I went back with just my car keys, and yeah, I didn't even bother to see who was around me, watching me, preying on me ready for ambush.

It was 9am, and I reached for my phone and locked the car. Once I walked out of the alley, this man walked up to me in a friendly approach asking me how I was, and at the same time pushing me back into the alley.

He was African. But then again, these kind of people could be anyone of different race, can't they? Chinese, Malay, Indian....

He grabbed my shoulders, and when I tried to walk away, he grabbed both my wrists.

Seeing the car keys and phone in my hands, he repeatedly asked where I parked my car.

Whenever I tried to struggle free, he would grab me tighter. The slight bruises lasted for almost a day.

I panicked until I forgot to scream. I forgot all ways of kicking him and fighting back and defending myself. All I thought was just to run away right that moment.

Of course I couldn't run. He hung on so hard if people were to past by, they'd think we were a couple breaking up or something.

Something then happened. Maybe a bunch of people passed by and looked, because he let go of me and backed away.

I ran. I looked back and saw no one following me, and I ran back to college.

I was reluctant in making a police report. I was so frightened that I didn't wanna think of it. But I was terrified. I skipped the day's classes and went to a friend. She and some others then convinced me into a police station.

Well, things happen. And these are the things that you'd never think happen on yourself, and that's how attackers attack.

Danger always lurks around, and if I could, I'd be telling everyone I know to always be on the look out. Don't walk alone if you're on a quiet street, and always stay focus on the surroundings.
Yes, it's tiring doing all these, but the effort is worth it. Prevention is always better than cure.

I was lucky. But what if I wasn't?

It's not about telling the world about the incident.
It's about sending a message, and I hope all loved ones will always be safe and sound.