Friday, March 2, 2012


No word can express how I felt yesterday.
Happy? Excited? Cinema with the lights on for the first 15 minutes? Haha.
Neutral :) Yay!
The day that only comes once in four years.
Four years, and so much had happen.

Four years ago, we were just in Form 4, teasing Yan Kai that he finally turned 4. We're still teasing him behind his back into turning 5 this year :)
Four years ago, it was our honeymoon year, PMR over and SPM still outta sight.
Four years ago, everyone was talking about NS and driving licenses. No college or Form 6 plans, yet.
Four years ago, no tears were wasted on someone who wasn't worth it.

Today, a day after leap day, I'm starting to listen to Hitz FM every morning.
Today, we concluded that that gang was just the kind of Chee Huang gang that never changes.
Today, when an ex-saujanian gets together with another ex-saujanian, it becomes huge.
Wen Yi & Shea.
Shally & Kar Chun :)

Today, I know who my true friends are, and there will be no doubts I'm gonna call them friends forever.

Four years later, I'll be out of college and will be working on.............something.
Four years later, we'll still be hanging around Ajimal like how it has always been.
Four years later, I'll be this happy-go-lucky person everyone once knew. I'll be the girl who went through that worthless suffer and made it through the worst.
Four years later, she will be 100% fine, physically and mentally, no doubt.

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