Monday, September 3, 2012

Ryan Higa is in KL !!! :DDD

Hmmm, no greeting him at the airport, no getting his tickets at RM75 to watch his performance later this evening, only watching his Youtube videos. Some fan I am. x)

First time being so excited that someone famous is in town. Nah, the thing about him is that he inspires me because he doest feel bad about him having ADHD. Instead, he turned it into sensational masterpieces. Talk about stalking? Oh, did I mention that he is super hilarious and talented at freestyle. Haha.
Ryan Higa, among the people I don't know, I look up to the most.

Update! 24 hours later ...
Learnt that Chris had free tickets to meet Ryan live!! He went to Damansara's Bentley Auditorium and was, WHAT, 30 minutes late!! JUST BECAUSE HE DIDN'T FEEL THE ENTHUSIASM!!

"I went." WHAT!
"It was so jammed that I was ONLY 30 minutes late." WHAT, WHAT, WHAAAAAAT!
Cheeky punya smiling over there.

Tak ajak nevermind, but for not telling he's going (past tense: he went)????
Not that interested then give me the tickets maaaahhh, bully x)

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