Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gotta stop relying on my bed and start waking up

Am I better off dead? Am I better off a quitter?

This random girl here is happily spamming songs every night. Thanks for the company that night when she needed to talk the most. Cheers to self that she's listening to emo songs and still standing tall for the last 24 hours. Fingers crossed it'll stay this way until..well until she's fully recovered.

Sooooooo, something weird is going on with all the guy friends recently. It's either the Christmas spirit's gotten over them, or they're playing cool with high ego, or they've forever actually been gentlemen by paying for all the meals. O_o .. Or maybe their allowance was recently increased. =p

You know what, not only am I gonna try and stop texting and driving, I'm gonna stop driving when I'm feeling upset. The world out there looks so beautiful! And the future is just so bright. I see myself graduating, spending 3 months in Aussie followed by a week or 2 in Atlanta, then come back in M'sia and start finding a secure job while trying part time on grooming courses.

If there's one thing I found out about myself this holidays apart from the picture quote above, is that I love spamming in FB, Twitter, and especially in Blogspot. Line dislikes Tumblr so, so much! Blaaa.

Sorry. But the only way for me to move on is to be mean to you. It comes with a price though, all negative thoughts are always gonna be with me till who-knows-when.

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