Monday, June 9, 2014

Much has happened and much has changed

So much has happened since the last time I blogged.

Done are the intern days in Prestige and here's to the first week of this full-time position as a management assistant at CIT. No longer a student. The world now welcomes a brand new boring working adult.

Here's a short update for the past few weeks:
1. UCSI days are all done with the last day of intern on 30 April.
2. It's not that I don't fancy Korea, I'd just rather choose countries that speak English.
3. Loving Broga Hill. Need hiking shoes. Need more stamina. Need to stop being afraid of heights.
4. Thinking of rollerblading.
5. Still an introvert here. I'm boring (not "bored", to all you grammar nazis out there) but I'm loving it.
6. Looking forward to Saturdays.

Things had been crazy. Growing up has been a hell of a journey.

And guess what?

It's only the beginning.

Life is gonna be fun.

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