Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Choir life

It's been like forever since the last time I really stayed in class for the whole day. Can't even remember when WAS the last time.
Nowadays, for a few dosens weeks by now, I think I have skipped many classes, missed a few laughters in class, tons of chapters from text books, millions of homework given, hundred thousand million lectures from teachers.

But then again, why bother that much?
Enjoying life mah, as we spoke. Haha..
Well, it's not like we're gonna stop studying after everything.
Besides, there's like, what, 6 more months before SPM arrives??
*looks at sky* *hums choir songs*

Anyway, tomorrow's gonna be the last day, and I mean really the last day for us to being able to spend that much time together.
Well, minus the skipping class part, minus more of the sometimes getting frustrated and all, I really enjoy using actual school time hanging out with friends instead.
Yes lar, people. Choir members are about teamwork and friends.

So, Thursday's the finals!!!
Thursday's also the first day of exam!!!
Isn't that just fantastic??
I didn't even touch any books since the first exam of the year.
Lagi fantastic.


Another practice.

A really weak performance before going to SMK Seri Mutiara.

At SMK Seri Mutiara on 29th April!!

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