Monday, July 29, 2013

What's currently happening? Lazy to study for tomorrow's test.
Oh the other one? Reading back old blog posts and going "Oh God why."
Like seriously.

Maybe it's the changed priorities, and maybe it's the changed mindset and perception of life.
But one thing's for sure, it's because I've grown up.
And that the people around me are finally worth having around :)

Who knows? Maybe 2 years down the road I'll be reading this post and have the exact same thought of wanting to build a time machine, go back to the past and smack myself for being so immature. Uhhh...what?

Oh well, life goes on and lots are to be learnt throughout the journey, and that kinda makes life interesting. And...things had been fun lately :)

Ohhhkay oh crap oh gosh. Just realized there's so much to do in so little time. Fun time, play time? Okay, let's just hold onto a pause right there just for this one week, okay?

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