Sunday, September 13, 2009


Sometimes I just forget how important one's health can be.

I was just staying in school trying to study for the next day's exam after school on Thursday.
Turned out I had this major headache after the EST paper.
I thought it was nothing.
I still could talk and laugh will Shiao Yen and Kah Chun during lunch!!

Thought that maybe resting a while there might make everything okay.
Next thing I know, I was having difficulties breathing. Nice.
Then I felt really warm, then really hot, and yet my hands were freezing. Great.
Then only I knew I couldn't even lift myself to the toilet which suddenly seems so very far away. Help.

What made things worse, I couldn't drive myself home.
Mum was in the middle of a meeting.
Dad just reached Ampang.
Sis was...she doesn't know how to drive!!!!

So I had to suffer for don't know how long before Dad finally arrived to send me to a clinic and lucky not to the hospital.
I forever have air in my stomach since the time I blew air in all the liquid I drink through a straw when I was 12.
What.....seeing all the bubbles was fun THAT TIME.

This isn't the first or second time I got sick this year.
And I just wasted Sejarah paper on Friday for nothing.
And it's trials we're talking over here!!!

So hoping I'm never gonna get sick during SPM.
Or else I can go parachuting without the parachute already.

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