Monday, November 4, 2013

Because every hello ends with a goodbye

"The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last."
Especially after you've build some kind of bond.

Not sure how everyone started to get so crazy and comfortable with one another, but I think it's the long working hours and how we all worked together as a team, whereby everyone is so sporting and friendly and are willing to help out one another and take jokes all at the same time.

It's only been my 8th shift, where I didn't think I could mix with them that well at the beginning.
With other important stuff in life, I only can manage to give out 2 or 3 days a week to the lab, in where my last shift would be in December.
But some how, deep down, seeing how epic these geeks are getting each and every day, I'm gonna miss them when 2014 comes.

Being someone who doesn't fancy change in her life, I still wouldn't change any of these.
I would still do this all over again.
I would still go for the interview, have those awkward first 3 shifts, slowly build a bond with the rest, do a countdown and prepare to say goodbye when the year ends.

It's kinda just like cell multiplication.

Life is a building experience, with everything you gain that leads to a better future.
Say for example, if you wanna be the boss, you can't forever stay in the shadows just because it's a comfort zone?
How about getting out of there, screw up the new first week of work, and suddenly be the top of the top?

/thankful to be given this working experience and meeting these geeks/

Thank You.

Now, about the piano exam and no one replying my internship applications...

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