Friday, February 7, 2014

Just write

The more I read, the more I realize I'm doing this whole blogging thing wrong. Kudos to that shy personality for not making this page too widely-known.

First rule of writing it has to be interesting.
Seriously, it seems so easy and yet, what does 'interesting' mean? How do you know you're attracting attention and not boring readers away? Well, for people like me, you don't.
But you continue writing just to entertain yourself, placing thoughts into words just as initially planned from the start.
I must be doing something wrong here.
Maybe I'll just start each post with "Dear Diary" from this day on. It sounds more relevant.

As I realize, I'm more into finding myself, as much as how I hope to gain a further insight of other people's life and what they think about that fire drill across the street.
Never too late to realize I'm more interested in people than the fact there's some rare diamond in some museum or gallery out there.
Maybe I should have gone into Psychology than Journalism you say? Nope. Things wouldn't have been this way if I had done that.
Weird paths we have in life? Yes.

The more I write, the more I realize I'm more of a plain narrator; no persuading, no beautiful fancy adjectives, no making you think how transparently blue/green is that ocean.
I don't know how to grab attention, just as much as I don't know how to slam the phone down at that conman from 03-20750000 who spelled my name twice, reminding me how to spell my full name.

In my defense, I was making her talk non-stop for 12 minutes so she'd lose her voice and reject her at one shot when she goes asking for personal details.
And I know how to spell my full name, thank you very much.

But all in all, I don't dream to write for a big audience, or any readers who wants to find some interesting posts online. I ju – wait.

Dear Diary,
I just write!

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