Saturday, December 15, 2012

Love, not hate. Just love.

When trying to find a gang of 2009-batch Saujanians, just look for the table that has no sound boundaries seems to be laughing at everything.
(Uhhhh, is there even such a thing called sound boundary =x Okay, maybe I just came up with that)

All the trying-to-top-each-other’s-voices-through-the-noises-so-you’re-just-shouting-to-the-person-sitting-opposite-of-you-to-just-well-uhmm-talk kind of situation. We tend to talk to the friends sitting opposite of us. Small wonder we are always the loudest and noisiest everywhere we go. Imagine a scene where North is talking to South, and East is trying to grab West’s attention, and then times another 10-15 more people.

Anyway, I forgot how it was like to hang out with them, apart from the jimui’s of course. But nothing has changed, and immediately I found the comfort I had with them all along.

It’s good to know that some things never change, and that Ajimal is still always the best of the best mamak places :p

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