Saturday, December 14, 2013

Single because

I knew I was gonna blog about this one way or another! Once a hopeless romantic who loves love, always a hopeless romantic who loves love. It's just like some drug that's possessing every cell in my body, and the withdrawal symptom? Is to take me back to the memories where I was deeply loved and deeply in love.

I have tons of reason for being single today.
Single because living with 83 cats at 83 years old sounds cool.
Single because when I stress, I'd just sit and stare at the wall. (Haha. No, I don't. Or do I?)
Single because I never forwarded those crap chain emails when I was 12 and if I'm right, I've still got 20 more years of bad luck. (Gotta give a hand to Praven for tweeting such epic reason.)

But whatever the reason is, I fell madly in love at 18, right when I first stepped foot into uni. It didn't last and I took the next few years recovering from a broken heart. By the time I snapped out of it, I was rushing for final year subjects. I never had the time to enjoy uni life to the fullest (thankful I still had 8 months), and that kinda in a way, went to waste.

Yes, it still does affect a little, if not, I wouldn't be talking about it :p

Looking onto the part where I need to fill in any ECA's, uni life's been a blank. My proudest moment was finding my self-confidence that led to leading the whole choir team in high school. And it's just a mehh to know I would have achieve something from uni if I gave it a try. Sure, I can blame the events all clashing with my piano lessons. But deep down, when you know it, you know it.

So, I fell in love. And that left a scar and a bad impression, an impression that love restricts you and you'd lose yourself.
I know it's not true. It's just fear.
So when I say I'm not ready, I'm dead serious. It takes time to forget what fear means.

Until then, single's been quite fun and interesting.

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