Friday, December 13, 2013

Without music, life would be a blank to me (Emma Jane Austen)

13 years isn't a short period of time, and being here 13 years later, I am more than thankful for my parents to have sign me up for my very first piano lessons at 8 years old.

Every week had been busy and stressful for the past 13 years, as being lazy winds up having you not being able to practice any piano pieces and hence get scolded during classes. Strict teachers are good; they make you fear them in a way, in a good way.

Today, I walked into One World Hotel and played all 4 ATCL pieces. It took me 3 years to this exam day. I only have myself to blame in why it took so long.

Many people stop at Grade 8 but my parents insisted that I continued on, for at 17, I still hadn't a clue what I wanted to do.

Many people stop at ATCL, for that brings many opportunities in the music industry. Then of course that is followed by LTCL and FTCL. Who knows, right?

So is this the end, or is this just the beginning? We'll see.

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